Happy New Year! 2021 Thank you!

Happy New Year my friends! I hope you are all well. Have you made any resolutions for this year? I’ve made a bucket list for 2021 but I’m not putting pressure on my self. I do have a few words that I’ve chosen to guide me through the year and one is CREATE the second one is SIMPLE and the third one I’m still working on. 😝 I will let you know when I figure it out. Sometimes words appear with time.

I’m looking forward to Monday because I’m going to venture into more yoga. I hope I have the strength to commit to the classes and also to complete the classes. Last year I completed 2 rounds of 30 Days of Yoga and then when I bent down to pick something up I hurt my back on the right side and I haven’t done yoga since that day. So I pray that I can do it.

I’ve started writing, journaling and I also plan to read more this year. I would like to learn more this year as well. I’m excited and hopeful. I feel that we have to be hopeful and think positive.

I wanted to share a few things that I kindly won on IG in December and that I’ve been enjoying. Before I do did you read my review for Frankenstein by Mary Shelley? Find out what I think about the book here: REVIEW.

First I would like to say thank you for all your messages, notes, cards, flowers and gifts in my father’s memory. I appreciate how you are all helping me through this emotional time. Thank you for reaching out and giving me so much love. I’m so grateful for all your prayers and friendship.

Thank you so much Cat and Humara for the beautiful message and this lovely Angel to help me and guide me. Much love to you both.

I would like to say thank you to the Toronto Star for the tweet on Twitter.

I would like to thank you all my friends for my top nine on Instagram. It really showcases who I am and also what you like to see. Yoga, art and nature. Oh yes and flowers in my kitchen. 🙂 Thank you so much for being there for me and being so supportive. I’m truly grateful. @bestdayblogger



Thank you to Potter Mill for the amazing candle. This candle is almost finished and I love it so much.
Thank you to Sweetsmith Candy Co! These were amazing!!!
Thank you Saltspring Kitchen Co. We are really enjoying these and will definitely make a purchase when we are done. So good!

Thank you to

FOXY ORIGINALS My favourite face masks and lovely jewelry

Callia Flowers Beautiful flowers!


Beretta Farms *Gift Certificate. It was an amazing experience shopping and also eating the food my family ordered. The taste is amazing! Thank you also for the A&W gift card! So amazing! I am so grateful.

Thank you so much Julie for the lovely card and the tea towel is so cute! It’s perfect! “ARTIST AT WORK” I love it so much! I love the decal “Today is a good day”. I’m going to put that on my mirror. I really love what you wrote and I’m truly grateful for your friendship. Thank you.

Thank you to AVON.CA for this Creamy Stick Jelly. You can put this on cheeks and lips. So lovely.

Thank you all for your cards, messages and comments. I appreciate it so much!

Have a lovely weekend and I will see you over on my Instagram account and on my Youtube Channel as well. Much love and happiness! God Bless!

HAPPY 2021!

First Vlog of 2024! Hello Winter!

4 thoughts on “Happy New Year! 2021 Thank you!

  1. Oohh sweetsmith candy co I’m obsessed with their sugar free peanut brittle! I’m on the hunt searching for it in store’s! And Beretta farms is a client of Cam’s! I love their stuff too!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Omg 😱 I should of saved one for you. We ate them all. They also have one that’s sugar free and it was so good. Beretta farms is amazing!!! You should buy meat from them. The flavour is so incredible!!!


  3. Hi Maria 🙂 I’m so sorry I wasn’t aware that you lost your father…so sorry for your loss sweet woman. I really hope you can get back to yoga, as I know how much you enjoyed it! I can’t do most of the yoga poses because my hands and wrists cannot even handle a few seconds of downward dog, and that is a part of so many of the floor routines. I stick to mostly the standing yoga routines but lately have found zero time for it. We’re trying to finish insulating and cleaning up the basement so I can set up a little gym down there. 🙂 Take care of yourself! xx

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hello Rain! Hope you are well during these difficult times. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and comment. I appreciate it. Hopefully I can get back into yoga. I was thinking of doing ballet gentle workouts that don’t require me to put all my weight on my hands as well. I do love music and moving with music and workout sounds more fun. Or even dancing. 😁 standing yoga is where I’m at too. I hope all your renovations are coming along nicely. Sending you love and positivity. Talk soon! Xoxoxo


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