Being Different is Wonderful!

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I got my nose pierced! I’m very excited and happy that I finally did it! For the longest time I’ve wanted to pierce my nose. There’s a story behind why I did it. I not only did it because I love nose rings but here is why…

Growing up I was bullied and called many hurtful names because of the shape of my nose. I was called horrible hurtful names and I was so devastated and felt so bad. I wanted to change my nose many times and get surgery. I didn’t like my nose at all. In fact I hated it.

I slowly learned to love and appreciate having a different nose. I’ve grown to love it now and I’m so happy. I no longer focus on the bullies and the hurtful words. I focus on how much I LOVE my nose. I focus on the positive. I really LOVE my self now more then ever. I love my nose because it is different. Being different is a WONDERFUL thing to me. Every flower, every leaf is beautiful and unique in its own way. That’s how I look at it.

Children can be mean because they don’t know better. They don’t understand or haven’t been taught that everyone has a different shape nose, lips, eyes and everyone is beautiful in their own way. I tell my girls everyday they are beautiful inside and out. I tell my girls everyday that everyone is unique and very special in their own way and we must love and appreciate these differences. Respect each person and treat each person with care and kindness.

I will continue to teach my daughters about being kind to themselves and to others. We are not perfect and learning is a part of life. It’s okay to mess up sometimes. Every time a mistake is made we learn from it.

I’m not upset or mad at the people who called me names. I learned from my experience. I feel we should talk about these issues more and also talk to our children about being kind and not using hurtful words.

Respect, kindness and love!

Words hold more power then we think.

Focus on the positive, speak from the heart.

Empower and strengthen with positivity and don’t be afraid to speak up and Share your story! Lead life with your heart!





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