30 Days Of Yoga Challenge At Home

Hello my lovely readers! I’ve decided to journey into a second round of yoga. It’s amazing to read my first challenge and see how far I’ve come. I’ve noticed a lot of changes from the first 30 day challenge to the second challenge. I skipped less days and I was actually looking forward to doing the classes. This second challenged was more of quieting the mind and extending the stretches. Breathing with the movements and working with the mental challenges. Overall I’m so proud and happy with my self. As I’m writing this I’m on my third challenge and moving onward with my journey. I’m happy, confident and feeling amazing. I hope you enjoy reading my yoga journey.

Thank you so much. 🙏 Namaste.


Thursday June 11, 2020

I was stiff in the beginning. My wrists hurt a bit. The sitting cross leg position still a challenge for me but I’m better than before. Hips and lower back have some issues. What I enjoyed with this class is to check in with your body and feel where issues are evident. These are the areas I would like to works on: Lower back and my core. Overall I’m feeling good and positive. My prior 30 day challenge has changed my mindset. If you check out the previous challenge I was struggling with making my self do the class. I forced my self to do it. This time around I actually look forward to doing the class. With this challenge I would like physical and mental strength. I would like my breath and energy to flow with my body and breath. Strengthen, lengthen and extend stretches. I would also like to let go of stress and embrace my self and my body.

Self love and confidence

Strength and courage 

Letting go of stress


Friday June 12, 2020

Is it normal to cry during yoga? Connected to my breathing and movement today. Strengthening core and focusing on intentions. Focusing on how I feel. Cried during deep breathing. I feel so good. I look forward to each day of yoga class. Great stretches and lengthening. Strengthening and focus. My mind drifted about 3 times but I refocused. The class helped me so much today.
Thank you. 🙏


Day 3

Saturday June 13, 2020

I was tired today because I did some yard work but I’m so happy I did day 3 of yoga class. Feeling really good and strong. I’m not in pain. I feel great in poses and extending my stretches. I’m holding on to positions longer without toppling over. I’m going with the flow of movement and breath. Really happy. I feel so full of energy and happiness when I’m doing yoga. Strong. I would like to work on my mind set more. And my concentration is much better. My mind drifted two times only. 

(Skipped Sunday)

Day 4

Monday June 15, 2020


Today’s yoga class felt fast for some reason. Awakened parts of the body that need attention. I cried at the beginning. As I can see my deep breathing is connected to my emotions and my core. I definitely have been stressed by the changes in our world. Covid  has stressed me out. Also doing school work with my girls can be overwhelming. I’m tired as well and I’m cooking, cleaning and homework with the girls. #Momlife is real and hard. After all this is over I need a vacation. Today’s yoga class was releasing a lot of my stress. It was really great. 

Day 5

Tuesday June 16, 2020

Today I felt like I ran for 30 min! A great class! Breathing, strengthening and connection to movement and breath. My wrists hurt a little, my knee is doing a little better. I overworked it a bit. Overall I’m feeling great and I was looking forward to the class today. I thoroughly enjoyed the class. 

Day 6

Wednesday June 17, 2020

WOWZA working the core. Abs! Soooo good. Hard work but so good. 

Day 7

Thursday June 18, 2020 

My Abs still hurt from yesterday. Today’s class had great stretches. I enjoyed it. I’m glad It was a stretching class because my wrists needed a break. Fantastic and now I’m going for a walk! Feeling great!

Day 8

Friday June 19, 2020


Breathe in Love and breathe out ❤️ love.

At first this was hard as I thought about negative people. I stretched my mind and my focus. I focused on my love for my husband and girls. This class was very soothing and relaxing. Breathing & gentle stretching really calming class. I enjoyed every minute. 

Day 9

Saturday June 20, 2020

Worked up a sweat and felt my heart rate go up. It was challenging, I felt areas that are weak and that I would like to strengthen. I had mind chatter and moved location for my yoga class today. I was looking around thinking too many things. It’s okay though. I continued and tried to focus on the breath. I noticed  when things get difficult I want to back away or stop. I didn’t though. I finished the class.

Day 10

Sunday June 21, 2020

I am happy I did the class! “The mat is your mirror” The instructor shared this message and it made so much sense to me. So powerful. I didn’t want to do today’s class to be honest. Feeling down and stuck. Thinking too much about COVID and all the things that are happening around the world. Thinking about what will I do all summer with my girls. I’m always stressing and worried. After Yoga I feel so happy & well. After yoga all my problems are no longer there. Today’s class was a standing up class. Finding strength between the feet and connection to the ground and earth. I enjoyed it so much. 

Namaste & Thank you

Day 11

Monday June 22, 2020

Oh today’s class was amazing! Sweat! Sweat! Strength! Really feel stronger. I can’t believe that yoga can make you sweat a lot. So good and I’m feeling strong. I always look forward to doing my yoga. 

Day 12

Tuesday June 23, 2020

Stretches in today’s class were fantastic. Great cleaning of the mind as well. The chatter in my head was not as strong today. I did cry. I’m also trying to find my authentic self. Material things are not as important and should not consume my life. I’m also a bit confused and I don’t want to live in Toronto anymore. Nature calls me. 

Day 13

Wednesday June 24, 2020

Feeling so Good!

Extending stretches and strengthening. My wrist hurt a bit. Struggling a little bit mentally and emotionally but yoga helped me so much today. Feeling stronger and breathing deep.

Flowing Energy like the ocean through me.

Day 14

Thursday June 25, 2020

Great Stretches for the hips today and again got emotional. All is good. Everything feels great. I look forward to doing more yoga. I can stretch in ways that I wasn’t able before. I also feel stronger. I would like to help my mental state be stronger and better. Toxic out & Let love in. 

Thank you!

Day 15

Friday June 26, 2020

Today was a much needed yoga class. I wasn’t going to do today’s class but I am so grateful that I did it. I’m becoming more flexible and strong. Some chatter is still happening in my head but I try really hard to focus on my breathing and that brings me back to my core and the focus shifts back to my body. Feeling great overall. I really need to start meditation though. Life’s stresses and frustrations are getting to my mind. 

Day 16

Saturday June 27, 2020

Stretching the body feels so amazing!!!

Sunday Off

Day 17

Monday June 29, 2020

I did my yoga and worked on breathing. I also never knew how it can hurt sitting in a cross leg position for a long time. My lower back hurt. I’ve always had a weak lower back. Yesterday I did some gardening and my arms hurt so much. Day 17 was really great and I enjoyed it. 

Day 18

Tuesday June 30, 2020


I didn’t feel like doing yoga but I’m happy I did it. I’m struggling emotionally. I don’t feel I’m the best I can be. I don’t feel fully complete in a way. I need quiet and nature and ocean. I’m emotional because of hormones but I am also not enjoying living in the city. Too much noise, cars and pollution. I want to be the best of me that I can be. I want the best for my family. The only way I can do this is with connection to a more natural calm way of living. City living is not for me. I am grateful for yoga because it is helping me figure things out inside of me. This is what is going on in my head. Yoga was very challenging today. I would like to do today’s yoga class again because it was such a great challenge. 

Day 19

Wednesday July 1, 2020

A very challenging class today. My heart rate was up and great balancing. Sweating nicely. I really enjoyed it. It really helped my mental state. I would like to dive into more yoga. I’m loving the change in the body and mind. 

Day 20

Thursday July 2, 2020

Yoga was great. Working on stillness today. Felt really great! I feel like I should do more but today’s class I learned to be still with what I have. It doesn’t have to be strenuous and a lot. 

Skipped July 3, 2020

Day 21

Saturday July 4, 2020

Great breathing and stretching. Great release of stress and anxiety. Really lovely class. I really enjoyed it. My neck and shoulders were a bit stiff. After the class all that tightness has gone and I’m more relaxed and pain free. 

Day 22

Sunday July 5, 2020

I was an emotional wreck today. Very low and down. I felt so sad. I don’t know why. I left yoga class to the end of the day. It was great as usual. I always enjoy the class. I would like to do 2 classes a day. One in the morning and the other in the afternoon. My mental state is not so well. I feel happy one minute and sad the next. I hate COVID. It has caused to much damage to the body mind and soul of the world. 🌎

Day 23

Monday July 6, 2020

“Where the mind goes energy flows.” – Yoga with Adriene

Feeling soooo much better than yesterday. 

Balance and energy

Stregth and balance

Feeling good and great breathing and energy today. 

Day 24

Tuesday July 7, 2020

I enjoyed yoga today. Heart rate got up and great strengthening and stretching. Also lengthening and core work. Flow and movement and breath was working all together. Even though I didn’t feel like doing yoga today I’m so happy I did it. 

Day 25

Wednesday July 8, 2020

Relaxing yoga, focus on the breathing and letting go of stress and tension. Today I was seeking yoga for my well being. I really have positive feelings. 

Day 26

Thursday July 9, 2020

Today’s class was challenging. Balance, strength and endurance. Very energetic class today. Feeling good but a little tired. In a positive way. No mind chatter and my concentrations was really positive and connected. Very strong connection to my breathing with movements. 

Skipped Friday

Day 27

Saturday July 11, 2020

WOW! A great yoga class. Challenging heart rate is up. Sweating and feeling great! I wasn’t  feeling good yesterday. I am better today. A bit tired at the end of this class. I look forward to the next 30 days. 

Skipped Sunday

Day 28

Monday July 13, 2020

Feeling great! Stretching, breathing feeling stronger. 

Day 29

Tuesday July 14, 2020

I forgot to log my experience. Oops! We are all human. 😁 

Day 30!

Wednesday July 15, 2020

A very long class that made me sweat and tested my endurance and strength. I was pleasantly surprised that my strength is great and my endurance was tested. I stopped a couple of times to breathe a bit. I can’t believe I‘ve complete a second round of 30 days of yoga!! WOO HOO!

YAY! I’m soooo proud of my self! I feel happy and stronger than before. I’m more flexible and my mind chatter is almost gone whilst doing yoga. I feel really great and healthier. A little more stress free and relaxed. I’m very happy and exited  and I look forward to another challenge. Looking forward to getting better at every aspect that yoga has to offer.

Thank you so much for reading my journey. 

If you like check out Adriene’s Yoga Channel on Youtube.

I would love for you to subscribe to my Youtube Channel.




30 Days of Yoga During Lockdown

30 Days of Yoga Challenge

This is my first time doing yoga. I wanted to do this challenge to keep my body and mind healthy during the lockdown. It was very challenging and I am so happy I completed this yoga challenge. I think I attempted a class before but gave up too easy. So here is my journey. I hope you enjoy and thank you for reading my yoga journal.

Day 1

April 2020

Feeling pain in ribcage area. Shoulder pain and neck pain. More tight than pain. Feeling tired after completing day 1. My palms hurt as well. My mind kept wondering and I wanted it to end. Feeling proud of my accomplishment. I had a craving for protein shake right after. Feeling good and positive. 

Day 2

Feeling sore from yesterday but stronger. More sweat involved and heart rate when up. I feel more energy. I feel good.

Day 3

I skipped a day but I continue today. I was sore yesterday. Today was great. Feeling stronger and my balance and strength are getting better. I also feel good. I look forward to getting better with flexibility and strengthening my muscles. I am also enjoying opening up parts of the body for oxygen and breath. I also enjoy the yoga poses. 

Day 4

April 26, 2020

I skipped another day but continue today. I skipped yesterday because it was my birthday. Today’s yoga was lower back focus. It was really great and my heart rate went up. I sweated  and felt really great. My body is feeling stronger. I feel good and happy to complete day 4.

Day 5

April 28, 2020

Good Morning! I decided to go yoga in the morning. I got the heart rate up and sweated and was using my breath more today. Feeling so good and actually I am feeling more than good I’m feeling great! This morning I had neck and shoulder stiffness but after yoga I feel better. My whole body feels so warmed up and ready to face the day. Time for a protein shake! 

Day 6

Abs! Not my favourite but I did most of it. Might go on the treadmill today. *didn’t go on the treadmill. 

Day 7 

May 1st, 2020

Wowza! Today was a workout! I sweated and my heart rate was up. In the beginning my mind was on a checklist of things I had to do for the day but half way through my mind was focusing on my breath and being in the moment. Feeling the muscles working on my arms and feeling the heart beating is so amazing. I am feeling truly amazing. Now that I am writing this I’m crying because it feels also good and connected to the body, breath and heart. I feel so strong and good. Only 7 days and I feel so much stronger then the first day. I am so proud of my self. 


In the beginning I would do the yoga in the afternoon and I’ve changed it to the morning. It feels better this way. I’m listening to my body and I’m very pleased that I focus on “ME” I won’t lie the voice in side my head in the beginning said “I don’t want and I don’t feel like doing this” I switched this mind set to “it feels amazing during and after the lesson”. I’m working on enjoying the process more and not thinking only about the end. 


Day 8

May 3rd, 2020

During this session of meditative yoga I cried. My mind chatter was so much. At the beginning I thought about everything I needed to do for the day. By the middle of the yoga I was connected to breath and body. My mind was in sink with breath and body and in the moment. By the end of today’s session I was so relaxed and calm. I skipped yesterday because my abs were still hurting and I didn’t like doing it to be honest. I enjoy one day on and one dy off. I’m enjoying doing yoga in the mornings and I open the window and hear the birds as well. It’s so peaceful. 

Day 9 

I skipped a day. Sweat sweat sweat! I didn’t want to do yoga today. I was dreading it. But I forced my self to do it. I am really proud of my self. I worked on some balance today. I really like the teacher that teaches this yoga. There are some things about my body that get in the way of my yoga experience that I am finding annoying and want to work on. My belly fat and the baby pouch right bellow the belly. So irritating for me. Anyhow it’s great to figure somethings out as I’m going through this journey. 

Day 10

10 Minute video today. I skipped yesterday. I’ve been doing one day on and one day off. I am feeling good. Focused on flow and breath. I bought a new yoga mat from amazon. I like it because it helps cushion my knees and hands. I like the mat. So far it’s great! 

Day 11

Feeling good today. I enjoyed the class. By the end of the class I could feel the oxygen and blood flow through my entire body. My breath and heart as well. The only thing I didn’t like is me in biking shorts! I’m sticking to tights. 

Day 12

Happy Mother’s Day! Today yoga felt short. Worked on spine and balance. I’m enjoying the challenge so much. Feeling good. I would like to do more cardio. This is a good sign. 

Day 13

May 11th, 2020

A great yoga class today. It felt great to stretch and strengthen. Simple and short and to the point. Feeling the back and lower back. Opening up and strengthening. I’m also seeing and feeling my posture changing and alignment is better. My stomach area/core feels better as well. 

Day 14

May 13, 2020

I enjoyed today’s yoga. I didn’t sweat as much but great stretches and breathing. I added stretches for the abs as well. Feeling good. I would like to focus more and concentrate on each movement and take my time. 

Day 15

May 15th, 2020

Worked up a sweat! Half moon pose was difficult but I leaned on furniture to help me focus and work of my balance. I enjoyed today. Breathing was fantastic and heart was pumping. Blood pumping all over the body. The half moon positions work on strength and balance. My legs were shaking but feeling good. 

Day 16

May 19th, 2020

I missed too many days in between but I’m back at it. Day 16. My mind wasn’t into it. I didn’t want to do today’s class. I was frustrated with my self. Half way into the yoga my feelings changed. I started feeling good and I also did side planks! SO COOL! I am very proud of my self for getting through my mental block and doing it. YAS! GO GIRL!

Day 17

May 21, 2020

The stretching felt really great today. My body felt like it needed a great stretch. My body feels stronger. I also enjoy the heart rate going up and the connection to breathing. I loved today’s focus on the alignment of the spine and back. Feeling good. I would like to be more flexible and I know this will come in time. 

Day 18 & 19

Day 18 I forgot to document my yoga. 

Day 19 the focus was on breathing, stretching and strengthening. Movement with breath. A balance of both. Not too heavy but very good class. I did this in the morning. I will be doing one more class in the afternoon with my hubby hopefully. I feel good to do 2 classes in one day. Lets see how this goes. 

*Class with hubby was funny. He was making me laugh through the entire thing. Lol 😝 not doing that again! lol

Day 20

May 27th, 2020

Today felt really great. I worked up a sweat. Worked on movement, breathing and strength. I was able to concentrate more and be in the moment.


I am finding I am stronger and my body is firming up in areas like arms, legs and stomach. 

Day 21

May 28th, 2020

Today I worked on strength and breathing. Worked on alignment and being aware of the body. I was more in the moment than any other day. Overall my body enjoyed the stretching and. Breathing. Deep breathing and very grateful. 

Day 22

May 31st, 2020

I would like this week coming up to be more consistent. Today I didn’t want to do yoga. I am feeling down. This COVID Lockdown is getting to me. I’m trying to stay positive. It is so hard. That being said today for yoga I was very impressed with all the poses and strength. I would like to do yoga everyday this week and stop missing every other day. Feeling some leg, wrist and knee pain. I will be fine and I am all good. 

Day 23

June 1st, 2020

I didn’t feel like doing yoga today but I actually enjoyed it. Working more of the arms today. I’m going to try and do yoga everyday this week. 

Day 24

June 2nd, 2020

Working the hips and stretches for the hips. Short yoga class today. 

Day 25

June 3rd, 2020

Today I wanted to do yoga. 

Yes you read that right. I usually say I don’t want to do yoga and then I force my self to do the yoga. At this point on day 24 I’m WANTING to do more yoga. I enjoy every second of stretching and breathing. I look forward to this for the rest of my life. I really love yoga and I really feel so much stronger than the beginning. Yoga has strengthen by body and mind in so many ways. I am so happy and I really want to increase my fitness levels. I would never say that prior to starting this journey. I feel very good and happy. 

Day 26 & 27

June 5th, 2020

I did 2 classes today. I felt like I could go for it. I feel good and stronger. I would like to work with more balance and extend my stretches more. I also would like to increase yoga to 2 times daily. Observations: my belly gets in the way of doing some stretches but it is getting better than before. I feel good, positive and refreshed. 

Day 28

June 6th, 2020

Heart rate up! Sweat! Sooooo good! Feeling great! A little pain in the wrists. Worked the core as well. Working the breathing with movement. Flow of movement with breathing. Feels really great. I feel less stressed. When I do yoga I feel more release of tensions and stress. I can see why people go to yoga retreats. It must be so stress free. Not sure if I will do another class today. Feeling great. 

Day 29

June 8th, 2020

I can’t believe I am on day 29! Feeling great, strong and connected to my breath and body. I feel amazing when I am stretching and embrace everything about each movement. I feel good while I’m doing the yoga. I no longer have the feeling of not wanting to do it. I can’t wait to continue this journey and do another 30 days!

Day 30!!!!

June 9th 2020

I cried! Today’s class made me cry a little. It was a little too fast paced for me but I really enjoyed it. I have some arm, neck and back tightness but I’m going to continue tomorrow with another 30 days. Since I started this challenge I feel more connected with my body and breath. I feel stronger as well. I feel this is only the beginning of my journey. This is the first time ever doing yoga and I love it so much. 

I feel this challenge is not about weight loss for me. My relationship with yoga is about my body alinement, breathing, heart, strength and being present in space and time. It’s about stretching and releasing tension and strengthening the mind and body. This journey is about letting go of stress and anxiety. It’s about getting to know my body better and giving my body the care and love. I am really happy with this 30 day challenge and proud of my self. I look forward to the next 30 days. I will continue to share my journey with you. 

Before starting this challenge I was in a lot of pain and I was weak. I did not have any muscle and sometimes I would move and pull parts of my body without even doing anything. It really scared me. I can now tell you that I am no longer like that! I feel so strong in my legs, arms back and wrists. I can sit cross legged without pain and my arms don’t hurt when I do downward dog position. My lower back doesn’t have pain anymore. I can also tell you that sleeping has become so much better. 

 I would like to work more on extending my stretches and lengthening my body. I would like to learn new positions and also revisit the ones I just learned. I would like to be more flexible and work my core more. I would like to release stress and tension. I look forward to connecting my breathing and movement more. I am so proud of my self. Yoga has helped me so much. My body now craves stretches and I have found enjoyment in each movement and flow. Yes there were times when I didn’t want to do the class but I forced my self to do it. I am so happy I did. I skipped days but continued the very next day and have completed the 30 days. I am so proud of my self. 

Thank you so much to Adriene Mishler. Her videos have inspired me and helped me so much. I look forward to the next 30 day challenge.

Soak In The February Love!

Happy February!

The new destination for beauty!


I’m excited for this lovely feature because it has been a while since I posted some self care and beauty products. Firstly I would like to say a huge thank you to AVON Canada. I love Avon products and I have a few beautiful pieces to show you today that I recommend and love. This month, the word that I’m choosing is L O V E ❤️ How about you?

Left to Right
Blush Beige, Red Pumps, Midnight Rose

Introducing SATIN KISS 💋 Moisture Lipsticks! Oh so good! AVON X THE FACE SHOP have partnered up to bring you such beautiful and amazing makeup. Rouge Satin Moisture Lipsticks come in 20 shades and they are rich in pigment and swipe on effortlessly in a single stroke. They are lightweight in formula and hug the lips like a second skin. 3.6g for $22.00. @myavoncanada Avon.ca *Gifted


This palette has the loveliest mix of textures, matte and shimmer shades. They are smooth and blend very nicely. Monochromatic shades that compliment and make the eyes really pop. AVON X THE FACESHOP have created a breathtaking MONO POP Eyeshadow palette that I really love. The colour is Mood Coral 02 . I can wear these colours everyday and also create a more dramatic look for the evening as well. $28.00 for 0.72g. Avon.ca @myavoncanada *Gifted

Winter Skin? Don’t worry with these two amazing skincare products! I love the formula of Dr. Belmeur Advanced Skin Care For Sensitive Skin. So good!

Experience the power of Cica to protect and heal stressed or irritated skin while strengthening its nature barrier. Cica was nicknamed “Tiger Grass” after tigers were discovered rolling in it to heal their wounds. Find this soothing natural ingredient in these Dr. Belmeur Products.


CICA HYDRO CREAM for instant hydration. Hydration hyaluronic acid cools and soothes. Dermatologically tested. 50ml. $55.00

CICA PEPTITE AMPOULE For tired Skin. A concentrated blend of cica and peptides. Dermatologically tested. Suitable for sensitive skin. I use this after cleaning my face and before moisturizing with Cica Cream. 45ml, $53.00.

💗 🌹 Soak in the LOVE! 🌹 💗

Limited Edition

Loves Me, Loves Me a Lot Bath Petals

Delicate rosebuds create a light silky foam for a luxurious bath.

9 buds, 33g total. $12.00

Limited Edition Senses Strawberries & Cream Bubble Bath. Delight your senses with juicy strawberries 🍓 and a dollop of rich cream. 700ml $12.00.

Thank you so much to AVON Canada for these incredible products.. I’m truly grateful and love them so much.

Available at Avon.ca

Having A Baby? Where’s The Instruction Manual?

The first time I found out I was pregnant was one of the happiest days of my life. I called my husband and we were so excited and very happy. I then called my mother right away and I will never forget the sound of her voice and her emotion. She was so happy. Then I really thought about all the changes that my body was about to go through and I cried.

I read books, googled info and even talked to other moms. I wanted to be prepared. I got everything ready. Clothing, blankets and hospital bag. Everything was ready and organized. I had a beautiful baby shower and I will always remember those special moments shared with family and friends. I was ready and set so I thought…

As the days went by my body started changing. I got stretch marks and applied creams and lotions hoping they would go away. My hair got thinner and was falling out. My weight started to change. I cried a lot. I cut my hair off by my self. I didn’t know who I was anymore. I was so sick. I could not eat and some smells really made me sick. I felt like a crazy wild animal ready to attack anyone who pissed me off. Not pleasant at all. Sleep was hard. My body was changing and pregnancy was so difficult. Some people tell you they feel beautiful when they are pregnant and they glow… and I was like “That’s a friken lie!” “You’re all liars!”. I couldn’t eat, sleep or fit into anything nice. My moods were crazy and I hated the entire process. Don’t get me wrong I was also very excited to meet my little girl.

CRAVINGS WHILE PREGO: My cravings were corn with butter, peanut M&Ms, hamburgers, subs and pickles.

The body changes so much. Breasts become huge, feet legs and everything swells like balloons. Back pain and cramps. You go to the bathroom very often. Some women experience a lot of saliva and have to spit a lot. Rashes and yeast infections are common. Stretch marks and weight gain. Walking and breathing become difficult. It’s very challenging to go through pregnancy. Who ever has less symptoms is super lucky.

April 23 at 5:30 in the morning I took a shower and my water broke. I looked at my husband and said “Is this supposed to happen? I’m leaking.” We rushed to the hospital and 12 hours later after hard labour, pain, crying turning into a red balloon and looking like the girl that turns into a grape from “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” I gave birth to my beautiful Eleni. My husband has a different story and perspective on how things happen. Apparently I was very angry at him and yelled at him and after having the baby I was back to my loving normal self. But what ever…lol 😀 Everything goes away when you hold your baby in your arms for the first time. From the minute I gave birth all I could think about is the love and safety for this little human.

I will always remember my mother’s face as she held my daughter. I will never forget the warmth on her loving face. The smile and love. I miss her. Anyhow, I can’t help but get so emotional writing this…

So the next day off we went home. It’s like “So here’s your baby! Have a nice day and thank you for coming and good luck!” I’m like “what are we going to do now, No instruction manual?” I read so much and yet everything gets tossed out the window because each baby and experience is different. It is always good to know your basics but it feels overwhelming when you go home with your baby. Everything changes. Your perspective on life changes.

First three months I had very little sleep. My little girl ate often and I went to a nurse for breast feeding classes which really helped. I did breast feeding for a year with my first little girl. It was hard work and also so special and very beautiful. The feeling and bond when you breast feed is one I will remember for ever. It’s truly remarkable. In the beginning there are more feedings and it can be challenging but as time goes by the baby’s feedings get bigger in each sitting and the feedings become less often which is good. The first three months are a huge adjustment. I’m so grateful my husband was able to stay home with me for two weeks.

The infant stage is so sweet. All the little clothing and the baby making cute sounds. Very sweet when they laugh and giggle. The baby smell is amazing but the diapers overflowing with poop is not so much fun. I loved the infant stage because babies are so cute to hold and snuggle with. They are adorable and beautiful. Now the toddler stage is another fun challenge!

Infant Items that can be helpful

Baby Thermometer

Medicine Dropper


Gripe Water


Breast cream if you are breast feeding

Bottle Sterilizer ( I used AVENT)


Diaper Cream ( I used Desitin)

Sound Machine

Burping Pads


Having children comes with no instruction manual. Everything you read doesn’t always work for everyone but there is one thing that always works and it’s a mother’s instinct. That is one thing that really helped me out. It’s like this super magical power that happens the minute you hold your baby for the first time. A mother just knows the babies cries and needs. Let me know in the comments if you know what I’m talking about.

Pregnancy is different for everyone. While some find it easy some find it really difficult. My first pregnancy was so different than my second pregnancy. With my first, I breast fed for one year and my second I only breast fed for two months. I switched to formula because she was premature and I was stressed because of the loss of family member so that made things really difficult for me. My first girl was born close to 40 weeks but my second baby was only 26 weeks. First child took over 12 hours to be born and my second one took only 3-4 hours to be born. So each baby is different.

I hope I’ve helped you out in some way in this article. Please feel free to comment or share your story in the comments. Thank you all for reading.


Get sleep when baby sleeps.

Take walks and get outdoors.

Ask for help when you need.

Talk to someone if you feel sad or down.

If you are planning to breast feed take the class they offer at the hospital.

When Breast feeding keep water by your side and drink because you can get dehydrated.

Always stay hydrated and eat fresh healthy foods and soups if you decide to breast feed. Some foods may bother baby and give the baby gas. Keep track of what you are eating. It helps.

*Don’t get stressed if you can’t breast feed. It’s not a shameful or bad thing. It’s okay and there are plenty of formulas that will work for your baby. You have done nothing wrong. You are an amazing mother.

Baby rash butt cream that I used for both babies DESITIN

Give baby lots of snuggles and cuddles and love. Skin to skin is lovely.

Gripewater helps with gas and upset tummies.

I massaged both of my babies gently everyday with oils and it helped baby sleep better.

After baby feeds it’s great to gently sit them up and rub their back until they get a good burp. Sometimes digestion and gas can cause babies to cry.

If someone you know offers to babysit say yes! Enjoy some time for your self.

When your partner is home let him/her take over for a while and enjoy a shower, bath or nap. Seriously it helps!

If you are breast feeding ask your doctor for cream for your nipples. They can get dry and irritated sometimes.

Ask for help when it gets too much for you or if you are feeling tired. If you feel alone or sad at anytime of your pregnancy ask for help and always talk to someone. There is always someone here to help. A family member, friend, nurse and doctor. They are here to help you no matter what you are going through. Know that your emotions and hormones are all over the place and it is very normal. Feel free to ask me any question and I’m here to chat with you any time you like in the comments.

Pixibeauty Face Masks For Every Need #Skintreats

Pixibeauty has such lovely PR packaging. Very beautiful and displayed so nicely. I received a lot of face mask formulas for various skin needs. I think this is amazing because we all have different areas that need attention. Be prepared because there is something for everyone in this blog post. Let me share the goodies with you.

Peel & Polish

This formula is gritty and deep cleans. I apply a thin layer. I leave it on for two minutes and when its time to wash it off I work it in circles on the skin to exfoliate. This cleans the skin so beautifully. Peel and Polish can be used 2-3 times a week. This product really gives me smoother and softer skin. It gives my skin a healthy glow and its made with natural fruit enzyme to loosen dead skin cells. It has lactic acid and gently exfoliates, it has cellulose peels and sugar extracts which polishes and lifts away dullness revealing a brighter skin. It is suitable for all skin types, not tested on animals and is paraben free. This can also be applied on face and neck.


Smells so wonderful! This mask really cleans pores and helps give the skin a beautiful glow. It is made with aloe vera and ginseng.

A purifying, glow-revealing clay mask to purify & balance skin – it’s our signature 15-minute facial!

Pixi Beauty

This mineral rich treatment absorbs oil, draws out impurities and fights breakouts while giving an energizing boost to the complexion. The formula has kaolin and sea salt to purify and ginseng and aloe vera to balance.


These lovely eye patches have such lovely texture. They are so soothing and silky/slimy. They are slippery little ones. I adore them so much though. They really soothe and hydrate under the eye area. I love how relaxing and cooling these are. They really help depuff under the eyes. I use the spatula to lift and separate the eye patches. I apply the thickest part of the eye patch in the outer corner. I leave it on for ten minutes and then toss them out. You can actually chill these to really help soothe and depuff eyes. The detoxifeye patches contain hyaluronic acid and caffeine which helps depuff and helps with dark circles. Hydrogel patches infuse the delicate eye area with hydration. The jar contains 30 pairs. 

T-Zone Peel-off Mask smells so fresh and is a pearly green colour. It goes on smoothly and feels really lovely on the skin. I really love this peel of mask. It has green tea, seaweed, avocado cucumber, aloe and bamboo extract to help firm and refine. This is great for when my skin feels congested, dull and tired. I apply it only on the T-Zone area. I let it dry completely before peeling it off. I also avoid the areas around the lips, eyes and hairline.

Pixi Glow Glycolic Boost Brightening Infusion Sheet Mask

This is a really lovely Sheet mask. It is gentle and cooling. Soothing and instantly brightens and hydrates the skin. It contains glycolic acid, ginseng and witch hazel. I love a good sheet mask that fits properly on the face and this definitely is one of my favourites.

Thank you so much to Pixi Beauty for the amazing #SKINTREATS. I adore all the face masks and highly recommend them. Thank you!