My Visit To Salem Massachusetts

When I tell people that I would love to live in Salem and tell stories to tourists all day long they don’t believe me. But a job like that would make me so happy. I love retelling stories, research, history and architecture. I love old buildings with deep history and character. I like the old and I believe I’m an old soul my self. I have so much to share with you in this blog post. My short visit to Salem and the story of the scary dolls, the walk through the graveyard and much more. I had a short visit and I hope to return to Salem and spend more time there. I Would love to explore more.

My short trip to Salem Massachusetts 2019

If you have the opportunity, book in advance and go for the last week of October and Halloween. They have so much going on it is incredible.

A mug I bought from Salem 2019

In Salem you can check out the Salem Witch Museum, Night Tours, Peabody Essex Museum, Gallows Hill, Salem Haunted Happenings, Festival of the Dead, Haunted Harmonies, Haunted Biz Baz Stree Fair, Legacy of the Hanging Judge, Spirits of the Gables, Official Salem Witches’ Halloween Ball, and Halloween.

Town Hall Salem Massachusetts 2019

There is so much to see and do there. I just want to walk those cobblestone streets again and sit in a little cafe and write a book! It’s a very magical place with a lot of history and really amazing people.

Salem has three cemeteries related to the witch trials. I visited only one of them. I did a little research and found out the following:

Salem’s earliest cemeteries are established in the 1600s when Puritanism was widely practiced in Massachusetts. Puritans understood the Bible literally, and thus never used religious imagery (even in their churches). As a result, angels and crosses were not used on Puritan cemetery markers, instead they used Death’s Heads for mortality along with hourglasses and scythes to mark the passing of time culminating in death.

“Hand (pointing up): hope for one’s soul to reach heaven.

Hand (pointing down): God reaching down from above for one’s soul.

Handshake: “goodbye” to earthly existence.

Hourglasses & Scythes: passing of time.

Lamb: innocence (Typically found on children’s graves)


Sun (setting): end of life on earth

Sun (rising): resurrection

Wheat: “Divine Harvest: or the passing of time. “

-reference from

Old Burying Point Cemetery 2019

So many stores, cafes and restaurants in Salem. It’s a really amazing place and I was only there for a few hours. I chose not to go to the museum and other things because I had my two girls and my niece and nephew and I didn’t want to freak them out in anyway. But I know that I’ll be back very soon in this marvellous and beautiful place.

On the way to our car we walked in a vintage store that had very old toys and board games. Something caught my eye. Very old dolls and some of them had sharp teeth. The kids ran out of the shop and the lady mentioned that the area is not appropriate for children. She then told us that the dolls were passed down to her from people who have passed away. She said that the dolls were haunted and that sometimes they change positions when she comes into work each day. She said that they look like they change facial expressions very often. She also said that I couldn’t take any photos of the dolls which I respected. I was totally fascinated by the dolls and she also mentioned not to touch them. We all know not to touch possessed items right? It was very amusing talking to the lady and her story was fascinating. I enjoy scary stories do you?

Do you see anything scary reflecting in the windows? 👻

I hope to return to Salem and visit all the museums, stores, cafes and restaurants. I would love to do the ghost walks and tours and all the tourist attractions.

Have you ever been to Salem Massachusetts? I would love to know.

Thank you for reading my blog post!

Dear August…

Dear August you connected with me in so many ways. You brought me close to the Ocean and my soul was flying up in the air with joy and pure happiness. The sound and scent of the ocean incredible moving and fulfilling. You have brought me joy and soulfulness. I have no words to describe my love and connection to the ocean with its powerful sounds, fragrance, movement and light reflections. The ocean is a mesmerizing symphony!

Along with the ocean came this incredible road trip that I’m so grateful and blessed to have had the opportunity to do. It was lovely to spend time with family and visit family in the states. My girls really loved it and really enjoyed spending time with their cousins and meeting new cousins for the first time as well.

I really fell in love with new places like Maine, Salem and my absolute favourite Rhode Island.

I tasted incredible food and especially sea food! The people and service truly wonderful.


It felt so surreal to go to these places. Magical and unforgettable!

It was way too short. I wanted to stay in each place longer and explore more. I would love to travel more.

August you have taught me to be more patient and also deal with situations in a more calm way. You have taught me to let things go and flow and sometimes situations are not all in my hands. You have taught me to breathe more and also express my self more. Also not to be too serious and to laugh more.


Everything was a blessing. I’m so grateful for everything.

August you were truly amazing and unforgettable!

A special thank you to my family and my sis-in-law Susy for the incredible Road Trip and for the lovely BBQ Party she hosted. It was amazing to spend time with her and her beautiful family. I also would like to thank my sis-in-law Lori. She kindly bought me a lovely gift from her travels. It means so much to me. Thank you also to my lovely cousin koumpara Anna for taking us out to a lovely lunch and spending time with us before school starts.

Thank you to my own God Mother who always calls me to see how I’m doing and I love her so much for thinking of me. She’s a special woman in my life. I love her and she inspires me in so many ways.

Thank you also to Joy Mills for buying art from my shop and always supporting me online. Than you to Cat Forsley for always inspiring me and encouraging me with my creativeness. Cat is a beautiful soul inside and out and has a big heart.

There are so many blessings in August that my heart is full of love and joy and its overflowing! All the love and gratitude I feel is so abundant. Thank you for each moment. A gift from the Universe and God. I am so lucky and very grateful. Thank you all!

A Historical Outing! Scarborough Museum Toronto

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I planned to visit the Scarborough museum originally to find out more details about the ghostly encounters that it’s known for but to my surprise the day that we went the museum was open and ready to give us a lovely historical tour and delicious treats for the family. I’m so happy that the tour turned out to be more informative rather then a paranormal encounter.

Scarborough Museum is set along the walking trails of beautiful Thomson Memorial Park, once the farm fields of Scarborough’s first settlers and now a popular heritage community. The museum shows the history and development of Scarborough from its founding and early settlement to its growth and emergence as a major suburb in the 20th century. The site and its gardens are situated on property first granted to David and Mary Thomson, who settled in Scarborough in the late 1790s.

Scarborough Museum consists of four buildings that were moved to the site between 1962 to 1974. These include: Cornell House, a clapboard, Scarborough vernacular-style farmhouse; the McCowan Log House, restored to its 1850s appearance; Kennedy Gallery, a small former farm outbuilding; and the Hough Carriage Works, which houses a collection of artisans tools donated by the Hough family who operated the original shop at Hough’s Corners. – CITY OF TORONTO

McCowan Log House

A warm and cozy home, small and lovely. The fireplace smelled so good and it was so cozy. We were treated to warm baked apples with cinnamon. Delicious!

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Cornell House

We were welcomed with warm delicious apple cider and apple cobbler. We were given a lovely tour of each room and it was so incredible to learn so much about the lifestyle of the first settlers.

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Hough Carriage Works

Learned so much about tools and woodworking thanks to my hubby.

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Overall the weather was perfect the tour was so informative and very fun. It was incredible to see how the settlers lived. It was wonderful to be welcomed in the homes and offered lovely treats. I absolutely loved it and we had an incredible time. thank you apple blog

Summer Road Trip -Make Every Adventure an Unforgettable One!


This summer I’m heading out East and I’m very excited! I’m planning a family trip all the way to PEI and I’ll be needing a lot of Travel Essentials. The one thing I mentioned in my New Years Vlog is that I want to travel and see Canada. I’m super excited and I have many lovely items on my essentials list and wish list. I need to bring suit cases, a back pack, makeup bag, bathing suits, beach towels, a new SMASH book with a small pencil case, Toiletries such as shampoo, conditioner, tooth brush, deodorant, sunscreen and bug spray. Definitely a bag filled with drinks, treats and snacks. I can’t forget my camera! I love my Canon G7x. It takes amazing video and photos. I will definitely take many photos for a blog post.

On my wish list for this trip is the Keb Eco Shell Anorak W  from Fjallraven Canada. It’s the perfect jacket and I’m absolutely in love with it!89601-550

This jacket is waterproof and has three layer anorak. It allows easy movement and ventilates out moisture. This sounds and looks exactly what I’m looking for. I love that it has the freedom for movement because having two kids to take care of the jacket needs to have movement. I also love how the hood can be adjusted and the zipper is two ways so it can be opened both the top and the bottom. So glad this jacket is waterproof and breathable. I hate it when materials don’t let you breathe so this makes me super happy. This jacket has everything I am looking for and I also love the style. I always keep my jacket in hand at all times especially with Canadian weather, it changes with no warming signs! Seriously it does. One moment it can be hot and the next you need a parka! No joke!  This will be the first family road trip ever!  I plan to share all the details with you. I’m beyond excited because this has been a huge dream of mine. I started a TRAVEL ESSENTIALS LIST on PINTEREST. This list will help me organize things that I need for the journey.

I really love how Fjällräven Canada promotes spending time outdoors. It’s the best thing ever! I feel my family needs to spend more time in nature and this trip will be perfect for that.  Fjällräven Canada has all kinds of outdoor clothing and incredible. I would really like to get two mini Kanken Backpacks for my girls. A red one for my youngest and a green one for my eldest. Their favourite colours. This way they can put a few toys, journals and books in there for drive. 

As I was browsing Fjallraven Canada’s site this sweater caught my eye   Ovik Folk Knit Sweater. I love it! I’m also adding this to my wish list. I love the pattern and the colour. You know how I feel about burnt orange right? I’m a huge burnt orange fan! I’ve also added this to my Travel Essentials because I  can always use a sweater in the cool evenings.



I’m grateful that I’ve accumulated a few travel mini bags. I have my Clearview Four-Piece Envelopes Set by LUG and I was thinking of buying the LUG Cargo Five-Piece Packing Kit, or something similar. I also like to have a separate bag for shoes. I don’t like to mix clothing and shoes in the same suitcase.

How incredible is this Keb Fleece Jacket I really love the style of it and it looks so nice and comfortable. I love how soft fleece feels do you?  I love this jacket in white and grey colour. 


As I plan this family summer journey I look forward to sharing my ideas with you and I hope you can share your travelling tips and ideas with me If you’ve traveled to Eastern Canada.  I’m working on the itinerary so feel free to leave comments. Also feel free to tweet me your suggestions as well @bestdayblogger

*This blog post is in collaboration with Fjallraven Canada. Thank you so much to Fjallraven Canada for supporting my blog.

fjallraven_logo_ca-site-header“Innovative Solutions To Make Every Adventure an Unforgettable One.”

-Fjallraven Canada

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* accepts products for review purposes and recoup a small fee from participating brands to offset costs associated with producing the blog content, however all opinions expressed are those of the editor.
