Holiday Cheer! Free Wallpaper and Stationary

Hello lovely friends! I’m excited to share with you a lovely wallpaper that I designed on CANVA.

You can download it free and print it out if you like. I hope you are all well. We are coming to the end of November and I have no idea where the time has gone. I’m looking forward to December. I look forward to baking and watching nature turn to a winter wonderland! Do you believe in Christmas Magic? I do. We must believe!

I enjoy writing letters to friends during the winter months and wanted to share my creation with you. Are you excited for the holidays? I will be filming #Vlogmas this year! I’m very excited. Please follow along if you like on my Youtube Channel. Let me know in the comments if you download and use the stationary and the wallpaper. It will make me happy to read your comments.

Thank you all and have a lovely weekend!

Live life to the fullest!


Autumn Mood Board And Wallpaper

Hello my lovely readers and friends! I hope you are all well. One item on my bucket list is to create a mood board. I created a digital one on Canva and I had so much fun creating it. I’ve also made it into a wallpaper for you so you can use if you like.

Another item on my bucket list is to write a letter to a friend and I created an autumnal stationary. I hope you print it out and enjoy it. 🍁

Thank you so much my lovely friends. Have a lovely day!

KARE Toronto VIP Event Fall Home Furnishings Collection

I was kindly invited by Blend PR to KARE Fall Home Furnishing Collection VIP Event Down Town Toronto. When I walked in the store the space took my breath away. The Collection has pieces from all over the world. Each piece has a story of its own. Gorgeous textures, colours and shapes. I’m in love with many pieces. There is something for everyone in the boutique but also there are so many pieces online. Furniture, lights, accessories and more.  KARE ONLINE

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It was so lovely meeting Chris from Blend PR and the owners of KARE TORONTO which is located on 553 Queen Street West, Toronto. They also had lovely food and drinks as well.


Here is a glimpse of inside the KARE Boutique.

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It was a pleasure being at the VIP Launch party. I bumped into my friend and fellow blogger Cat from

My Lip Addiction. We had a few laughs and a great time! It was lovely to see her.

Good Times always!

All the home furnishings are so unique and eclectic. The designs are very artistic, colourful and creative. I love all the colours and the variety of textures in each piece.

Thank you Blend PR for the wonderful VIP Treatment!

My favourite piece is this:


KARE was founded in 1981 by two designers, Jurgen Reiter and Peter Schonhofen. The innovations of these successful trend pioneers were their plea for sensuousness, boldness, and individuality in furnishing. With spectacular pieces, this Munich furniture brand creates unmistakable looks that go well beyond the mainstream.

Since 1981 the company – privately owned by its founders – has experienced phenomenal growth with its unique range of products and unconventional furnishing worlds. The company designs and markets everything in-house and then exports it around the world. The recipe for success: three times a year Kare creates new and imaginative furnishing worlds – called “trend shows”.

KARE Design is in over 50 countries with 100 stores worldwide including, Munich, Barcelona, Vienna, and Dubai to name a few, bringing forth its leading design perspective to a global audience

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